Homeopathy is a safe, natural and complete system which aids the body’s own ability to heal itself and improves overall health. Homeopathy being an effective and gentle treatment, is suitable for both adults as well as children.
And because it stimulates the body to heal itself, homeopathy can also effectively treat people suffering from acute & viral illnesses like fever, coughs & colds, migraines and all chronic conditions.
Homeopathy works by what is called ‘the law of similars’, developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann which states ‘like cures like’ (similia similibus curentur). The law explains that a substance which gives a healthy person symptoms of illness, can also cure symptoms in a sick person when given on homeopathic principles.
All the remedies in homeopathy are derived from natural sources like plants and minerals and are then carefully prepared for different strengths (potencies).
For treatment the doctor will make a regular physical examination of the patient and will ask them how their symptoms affect them, emotionally, mentally and physically.
Personality traits are taken into account when deciding the remedy; some people are shy and retiring, while others are out going and lively. It is helpful to know how each individual reacts to certain situations and how they express their feelings, in order to build up a picture of them as a whole person. This information helps the homeopathic doctor to select the right remedy for the person.